Young Arthritis Network

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spinning the airwaves

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks but crazy in a wonderful way. Last week myself & Ann Marie Brennan got to head down to Spin 103.8 Dublin’s trendy radio station. We got a fantastic opportunity to hit the airwaves and create some awareness of our invisible disease Rheumatoid Arthritis.

A mixture of excitement and nerves on our way to the studio. I’ve done a few media interviews but Spin 103.8 is the station that many of my friends listen to so the pressure was on. I know many of my friends listen in at work so I was feeling a little nervous.

We arrived into the studio to meet Jonathan & Claire on their daily talk show “The Spin”.  We spoke into what can be described as the microphone from the Band Aid video and before we knew it time had flown by and we had finished our interview. If you missed us on the show last week don't worry here's your chance to listen .See below :)

After the interview someone asked me why I do interviews? The answer took me by surprise you see to me it obvious . I’ve lived with a disease that while people heard of Arthritis they know very little about it or the impact that it has on the lives of the many young people. For many years I felt alone that I was the only young person to have arthritis and if I wasn’t the only one where are these so called “young people” their not in the clinic when I see my Rheumy , their not at my physio sessions so where are they?? In fact do they exist?? 14 years after my diagnosis I met the first person my age with arthritis  so why do I do this because I never want any young person to feel alone ever again. I want each and every person who’s diagnosed to know the Young Arthritis Network exists & they are not alone .

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